Daily Words

Monday, October 31, 2011

What Does Love Look Like?

Love looks like a tender smile-
when someone is sad,
Love looks like a gentle touch-
that will calm a fearful child.

Love looks like understanding-
when your teen can't understand Algebra,
Love looks like patience-
when confronted with disobedience.

Love looks like listening-
to not only what your child says,
but looks closely at the meaning beneath-
the one that's not being spoken aloud.

Love looks like forgiveness-
when someone does something wrong,
and Love looks like loving them anyway-
realizing that we, too have been forgiven.

Love looks like tears of joy-
as we watch our loved one respond in kind,
Love looks like kindness-
even when we've been hurt.

Love looks like discipline-
with a firm yet gentle word,
love looks like the nudge of the hand of discipline-
that is never used for pain, but gentle guidance., to show the way.

Love looks like a kiss-
planted on a face upturned,
Love looks like lifting one up-
during any kind of pain or sorrow.

Love looks like-
thinking before we speak,
words are either sweet, to build up
or they may kill the spirit from within and tear down.

Love looks like patting the hand, or a hug-
and encouraging words,
Love looks like speaking blessings-
and never curses or words of destruction.

Love looks like a cross-
with blood trickling down to the ground,
Love looks like Jesus-
Who died because of His great love for YOU.

Love looks like eternity with God in Christ Jesus-
Love looks like obedience,
and love looks like becoming the image of Christ-
Love is loving others as yourself.....Christ died for you-love yourself or you can't love others!

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