A recent sermon by Pastor Dave is one that can help us to begin thinking our futures into reality, and it IS Biblical....I find myself (and I have always considered myself to be very positive.....to the point that growing up my family and friends even considered me a bit naïve about many things), but as I grew older and perhaps more 'jaded' or experienced, I began to think somewhat more in the negative....I suppose life can do that to us-with all the struggles and things happening around us.....but I WANT to get back into my childhood mode of thinking, having the faith of a child-like I used to do- and just speaking good things-"choose blessings!" God says to His people.
The attitude of the mind determines the heart and thus the heart, the spoken word and the spoken word-our reality.....it's what we create for ourselves and like Jesus said, 'The kingdom of God in WITHIN", (even now!!) if our inner Kingdom is negative and thoughts dominate us that are negative-our Outer Kingdom will also be negative: "As a man thinks, so he IS (or becomes) This is POWERFUL!
Especially when we KNOW that through the spoken Word-God spoke all things into BEING!
And "there is power of life and death in the tongue" we all know, but the tongue gets it's words from the thinking we dwell on that goes into the heart (out of the overflow of the heart (from the MIND) the mouth speaks....it all fits together so perfectly!!
Mind (soul) to heart to words to reality.
....and it's 'stuff' we have all heard before, we just have a terrible time trying to live it out....BUT if we can only realize that we are living out our thoughts anyway and we find ourselves struggling with forces we THINK are beyond our control.....but they are NOT-we have the Power over them by way of replacing our thoughts of fear, anxiety, negative 'scenarios' and drama in our heads with great dramas, great outcomes, great peace, love and joy, perseverance-all that we need to live a conquered life...we already HAVE the victory.....then what's stopping us from SEEING the victory?
Our "stinking thinking!"
I need a DAILY reminder of how I will live out my thought life-whether good or bad....and it MUST be the good!!! (if there be any good-THINK on these things!)
Meditate on God's Word.
Jesus said, "I am the Way, the Truth, and The Life!"
Out of HIM will come springs of living water-water for the soul (MIND).
He is the Bread of Life.....FEED on His Word-
His WORDS are Truth and Life!
Fill your mind with His Words-the Holy Bible......feed your mind (soul) with good, positive, clean, healthy, life-giving words and those thoughts WILL reflect in the outcome of YOUR life, the life of your children, spouse, friends, family, and everyone you meet!
Go with God.....choose words of life....THINK words of life-encouragement and exhortation and see the victory live out from within you!
( everything I write comes from my heart and MY desire to live out these words and thoughts!!)
In Jesus Christ,
I greet you in love!
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