Daily Words

Monday, August 8, 2011

Word Play

While reading the Writer's Digest a few weeks ago, I read an article about people being confused about the words "aisle, Isle and I decided to add I'll. to the mix, and then maybe a couple of other of my fun words...at least for me they're fun!

I'LL do a little dance around the ISLE of  Capri-
But only if you say you'll walk the AISLE with me!

We can see the lovely children as THEY'RE gathering near the sea-
THEIR eyes filled with WONDER, as they WANDER near the tree!

The EFFECT they have upon us will surely AFFECT our deepest heart-
Now what I WRITE must be RIGHT and from this point, I must depart!

But if at any TIME you think of THYME, and want to say to me-
My garden's filled with fragrant MINT, that's how it's MEANT to be!

" My WORD shall not return unto me void, it will accomplish the PURPOSE for which I sent it." (Isaiah 55:11) Paraphrased by Sue

P.S. Send in your own Word Play or words that I can 'play with'

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