Daily Words

Monday, December 26, 2011


I've been reading this book called "God Wrestling" and it's an amazing insight to our 'self' personalities......it has shown me that I'm far too sensitive and care way too much about the cares of this life......worry too much, all the things that Jesus says will "choke out the Word" and last night I prayed (not that I haven't done that a zillion times about it), but it seemed that he was showing me that I have to die.....self has to die....stop being worried about everyone....stop trying to be their everything......stop interfering (but by intercession only- and even that through the eyes of Jesus and His love for them),
Stop 'fretting' about everything.

All this worry and fear, anxiety and being overly-sensitive to everything is killing my body and soul and mind!

Anyway, along about 12:30-0200 in the morning, I said, "okay Lord, I want you to not just be WITH me, I want you to not just be 3/4 in me or 95% in me, I want You to LIVE through me, in me, above me, before me, behind me......Christ IN me and not I that live but Him through me 100%.

It's strange how we can pray so much, read His Word so much, hunger and thirst after righteousness so much, be in a constant state of prayer and still be so filled with 'self'.......and even though I pray, "not my will, but Thine, be done.....and I mean it with all my heart-the problem is it's always what I 'think' is what God should or needs to do. Not consciously, of course (well maybe sometimes!), but I have to start to live my life strictly for what God wants to do....when, where, how, why......and it has to be all about Him and how He sees the plan.

Somehow, I have to surrender Sue's Self completely.......more than ever before! I suppose I have to begin to just see everyone through His eyes and how much He loves them to be able to really let go of it. My only 'job' now has to be prayer........His will be done, His Kingdom come.

Also the book talks about praying for the peace of Jerusalem....well, you know already that the Jews have been my ministry of love for God and His chosen people. My friend, Avi Snyder, the European Director for Jews for Jesus, has helped me a lot in seeing why and how we pray for that peace....we pray that they will come to KNOW the PRINCE of PEACE-there IS no other Peace for them or anyone else!

In praying for the Jews and all of Israel to come to know the true God, Jesus the Messiah, and for the world to know Him, we WILL be ushering in the Kingdom for Jesus' return! The Bible verse that says (Avi explained this to me according to Jewish and Hebrew tradition)...the verse that says Jesus said, "You will not see me, henceforth, until you can say, 'blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord." means;

that in Jewish tradition at a wedding, they always say this when the bridegroom appears at his wedding! and that means that when we SEE who Jesus really is (including Jews or any who doesn't know who He is), then we can say, "blessed is He who comes in the name of the LORD" The Bridegroom!

It all fits so amazingly well, and I'm so excited....I just want to be ready and pleasing to Him when he comes...not to be one that will hear Him say (because of my allowing the cares of this world to choke Him out, when I LOVE HIM so much!!!), "depart from me, I never knew you!"

I know that the saying goes, 'the road to hell is paved with good intentions' and I don't want all my love and efforts to be just good intentions....I want them to be GOD intentions!
I want people to SEE JESUS IN ME!

Thursday, December 22, 2011

"Do You WANT To Be Healed?"

  I remember Jesus asking someone, "do you WANT to be healed?" (Read John 5:6)

Some people are SO used to their failures, loneliness, misery, sadness, depression, dysfunction, etc. that they are actually comfortable IN their misery!

How sad to feel like such a failure that it's ALL you ever expect....all you ever think you're worthy of.....all you know....all that people expect FROM you!!!

How terribly sad!

"Expect a Miracle! Expect GREAT things!
 Expect Positive Outcomes!
 God is the Giver of Abundant Life....Expect it!
 Fill your heart and mind with it; THINK It!
 Speak it.... and you'll draw goodness like a bear is drawn to honey!"


God is Love!

Friday, December 9, 2011

Love God, Love People: Serve God, Serve People!

You can do everything else right as a parent,
 but if you don't begin with loving God, you're going to fail.

Alvin Vander Griend

Love God-Serve God
Teach your children to love and serve God-
By faithful example!
Sue C. Weaver

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Awesome God!

Nothing is too big for our awesome God-
To forgive-
Or to to do!

His love is unconditional-
and His mercy is new every morning!

He weeps when you are away from Him-
And He rejoices when you return-

No matter where you've been-
No matter what you've done-

He loves you-
He forgives you-

He misses you-
And He wants you back in His arms!